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Filtering by: “CODING”

Children’s Coding Scratch Workshop

Children’s Coding Scratch Workshop

Rhiwbina Library CoderDojo together with Cardiff Science Festival @Rhiwbina is running a Saturday morning Scratch  Workshop. 
This event is aimed at 7 to 11  year old children. 
Each participant will need access to their own computer. Please check your set up BEFORE the session. 
Parents should be involved to provide support to their children. 
Learners will need access to: 

Three different Scratch tutorials can be followed: 

Our facilitators will help. Learners may need to share their screens for problem solving. If you have queries or need help with set up , please email

Register here:

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Python Workshop

Python Workshop

Register here:

Rhiwbina Library CoderDojo together with Cardiff Science Festival @Rhiwbina is running a Friday night Python Programming Workshop. 
This event is aimed at 8 to 13 year old children. 
Each participant will need access to their own computer. Please check your set up BEFORE the session. 
Parents should be involved to provide support to their children. 
Two parallel events are planned.  
Basic Python: 
Access and try to run. 
We will use this tutorial: 
Other tutorials are also available on this site. 
Advanced Python: 
We will introduce learners to the pyglet Python game engine.  
This will require learners to install three things (all free): 

If you have queries or need more help with set up , please email

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Cardiff Science Festival Code Club

Cardiff Science Festival Code Club

Register here:

Welcome to our Computer Code Club! Fancy having a try at some coding? Want to know what Computational Thinking means? Want to try your hand at some Mini-Computer projects? Then come along! We will be catering for complete beginners and for those looking to try something different. At Technocamps, we deliver interactive and interesting sessions, so why not give it a try?

Our Code Club is open to children aged 8-16 and is a great place for you to have a go! Technocamps Code Clubs focus on being interesting and interactive, and we can't wait to see what we get up to!


Croeso i'n Clwb Codio Cyfrifiadurol! Hoffech chi roi cynnig ar godio? Hoffech chi wybod beth yw ystyr Meddwl Cyfrifiadurol? Hoffech chi roi cynnig ar rai prosiectau Cyfrifiadur-Bach? Yna dewch draw! Byddwn yn darparu ar gyfer dechreuwyr llwyr ynghyd â’r rhai sydd am drio rhywbeth gwahanol. Yn Technocamps, rydym yn cyflwyno sesiynau rhyngweithiol a diddorol, felly beth am roi cynnig arni?

Mae ein Clwb Codio yn agored i blant rhwng 8 ac 16 oed ac mae'n lle gwych i chi ddechrau! Mae Clybiau Codio Technocamps yn canolbwyntio ar fod yn ddiddorol ac yn rhyngweithiol, ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen at weld be wnawn ni!

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Machine Learning meets Gaming Workshop

Machine Learning meets Gaming Workshop

This is an online event

Join us for a one-hour beginners workshop in Machine Learning. After a basic introduction to this cutting-edge technology you’ll make your own Machine Learning model with Google’s Teachable Machines. Teach your model to recognise your body movements then, with a little Javascript coding, play a game of Snake using your body as a controller!

You don’t need any prior knowledge of machine learning or coding for this workshop, but you will need a webcam. While there is no pressure to turn on your webcam during the Zoom call, it is essential when training your machine learning model.

This event is suitable for anyone over the age of 12 years with an interest in both Machine Learning and gaming. Please note that anyone under the age of 18 must be supervised by an adult.

To prepare for this workshop, please sign up for an account on P5.JS ( before the attending the event.

Register here:

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