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Filtering by: “CHILDREN”

The 7 One-Million Dollar Maths Equations

The 7 One-Million Dollar Maths Equations

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The seven greatest unsolved problems in mathematics are each worth a cool $1 million!

Learn more about these problems as Dr Tom Crawford - creator of the award-winning Tom Rocks Maths - takes you to the cutting edge of mathematical research. Don't miss this engaging, interactive event, where you choose which problems to investigate by using a live voting system.

Register here:

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Predicting pandemics: how to model an outbreak of zombiism

Predicting pandemics: how to model an outbreak of zombiism

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Can models predict the future? How does that work? Epidemiological models have been mentioned in the media every day for months now as the way to predict the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many other models have also been developed to study other critical questions that have arisen, such as the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in indoor spaces and how masks can fit your face better.

Dr Thomas Woolley and Dr Katerina Kaouri, two mathematical modellers (Senior Lecturers) at the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University, will bring to you an interactive session on pandemic modelling. Thomas will deliver a talk on zombiism and both Katerina and Thomas will relay some of their COVID-19 modelling work and answer your questions. Suitable for children aged 11+.

Register here:

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The Environmental Warriors

The Environmental Warriors

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Why do some people think climate change is not really ‘a thing’?

Why doesn’t everybody try to ameliorate treatment of the environment?

Why do we continue to buy cheap clothes, use crazy amounts of plastic, eat far too much meat?

Cost and convenience are the main answers ... perhaps the only answers. As governments and multinational companies head towards more environmentally-friendly practices, how can we ensure these continue and get better in the future? By reaching out to the young people!

STEM Ginger Education runs ‘The Environmental Warriors’: monthly projects related to the environment, running all around the world, giving children a purpose for communicating in English and learning about the bigger picture. Instead of telling children what is being done wrong, let’s give them reason to want to do things right! The more that we learn and care about each other, the more we will think twice about the way we are behaving.

Register here:

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Lego Robotics For All

Lego Robotics For All

This event is a basic introduction to robotics and shows robots operating in the real world as well as robot models performing tasks that have been built using a Lego Mindstorm kit.

The intention is to provide an understanding of robotics in an entertaining and fun way using a Lego robot.

The event is primarily for schoolchildren, based on a lesson aimed at Key Stages 2 to 3, but parents are expected to join in; as well as being a fun session it's an opportunity for those attending to pick up a basic understanding of robotics and gain an insight into what a career in Robotics could offer.

So, whether you have some knowledge of the subject and looking to learn more or merely curious this event is designed to accommodate both!

What will you get out of this event?

• We will explain what robotics is all about in simple terms.

• We will show a short video illustrating what real robots can currently achieve as well as how some of these can be achieved using Lego kits that you can build in your home.

• There will be an opportunity for you to share your ideas on what Robotics could do in the future. The good, the bad and the ugly!

• We will look at another video explaining the component parts of a Lego robot.

• We will talk briefly about programming a robot before showing a video on programming a Lego MindStorms EV3 robot to perform a simple sequence of tasks.

• We will finish with a Q&A session

This event is presented by the South Wales Branch of the BCS the chartered institute for IT

Anyone, with an interest in robotics or working in this field, who would like to become involved in promoting this STEM subject or would simply like to know more about how they could be involved, please get in touch with us at:

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Kids Game Jam: Out Of This World!

Kids Game Jam: Out Of This World!

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Making computer games involves lots of great skills, including computer coding, audio design and graphic design. In this game jam, we will introduce you to everything you need to make your own computer game, for free. We'll be around during the whole event to provide help and advice. We'll showcase all the games on our website after the event for everyone to play, as well as offering some prizes for the best games.

Our theme this year is Space, so you can start thinking about an Out Of This World game idea.

There are two introductory sessions, at 10-10:30am and 1-1:30pm. Please make sure that you join during one of these slots so that we can introduce you to what's going on. If you join at any other time then you will miss what to do! Between these sessions, we will be available on Zoom to answer any questions that you have.

Please note: This even is for children aged 8-16. Children must be accompanied by an adult during the event. You will need a device with internet access.

Register here:

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Circuit Building with CSA Catapult

Circuit Building with CSA Catapult

This is a live replay of the Circuit Building event from the 10th Feb.

You’re invited to join David Ansah and Iestyn Llyr, Embedded Software Engineers at CSA Catapult, to build your own lightbulb circuit, learn about the flow of electricity, where's the best place for the battery and how to measure voltage. We've also got a puzzle for parents: they'll be challenged to calculate your circuit's current.

David and Iestyn will reveal how their roles involve discovering what compound semiconductors can do and how they will transform future technology, in the applications we use every day. They will be joined by our HR Director, Clare Gunning who will introduce CSA Catapult’s STEM activities – these aim to help young people discover routes into engineering and tech.

We believe this activity is best suited to children up to age 12. If you’re looking for an interesting and educational activity to keep your young ones busy in lockdown – this event is for you! We look forward to seeing you there.

Register here:

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Squishy Circuits & Electricity

Squishy Circuits & Electricity

Join us for a look at circuits and electricity. We’ll have: 

  • An electricity Quiz (using Kahoot)  

  • How to Make a Squishy Circuit  

  • Squishy Circuit Challenges 

  • Apply your skills and have a go at this: Airport Family Project - Create your own airport, complete with squishy circuit runways and tower (with morse code) 

Suitable for 5-10 yrs 

Register here:

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Get your heart ready for Valentine's day
to 21 Feb

Get your heart ready for Valentine's day

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This is going to be a video stream presenting different activities of low-, medium- and high- intensity and how this helps our heart keep healthy. This aims to show everyone what a high heart rate feels like, and how we should all become more active and raise our heart beat daily with exercise. Information about heart rate and the benefits of high-intensity workouts and exercise in general, will be provided in the form of easy-to-understand and appealing posters.

About the presenter

I am a PhD student doing research on how we can engage more people (especially those from deprived backgrounds) to understand and manage their own health through lifestyle changes. I am passionate about physical activity and the benefits of an active lifestyle.

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Children’s Coding Scratch Workshop

Children’s Coding Scratch Workshop

Rhiwbina Library CoderDojo together with Cardiff Science Festival @Rhiwbina is running a Saturday morning Scratch  Workshop. 
This event is aimed at 7 to 11  year old children. 
Each participant will need access to their own computer. Please check your set up BEFORE the session. 
Parents should be involved to provide support to their children. 
Learners will need access to: 

Three different Scratch tutorials can be followed: 

Our facilitators will help. Learners may need to share their screens for problem solving. If you have queries or need help with set up , please email

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A Guide to the Night Sky

A Guide to the Night Sky

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Phill Wallace, FRAS (Cardiff Astronomical Society) will take you on a tour of the night sky from the comfort of your own home, dressing to mitigate against the cold normally experienced at an outdoor tour is optional. There will be a guided tour describing what can be seen from the UK in February and March embellished with myths, legends and history behind the naming of Constellations. Phill will use Stellarium a free open-source planetarium to guide you on this journey.

To obtain a free ticket please email and make a request to
Your request will be acknowledged shortly after you make your request, and you will receive full details on how to access the event to your mailbox on the 17th February 2021.
Note to CAS members - this is a bookable event.

For more information, visit

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Python Workshop

Python Workshop

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Rhiwbina Library CoderDojo together with Cardiff Science Festival @Rhiwbina is running a Friday night Python Programming Workshop. 
This event is aimed at 8 to 13 year old children. 
Each participant will need access to their own computer. Please check your set up BEFORE the session. 
Parents should be involved to provide support to their children. 
Two parallel events are planned.  
Basic Python: 
Access and try to run. 
We will use this tutorial: 
Other tutorials are also available on this site. 
Advanced Python: 
We will introduce learners to the pyglet Python game engine.  
This will require learners to install three things (all free): 

If you have queries or need more help with set up , please email

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Caerdydd Un Blaned a safbwyntiau pobl ifanc

Caerdydd Un Blaned a safbwyntiau pobl ifanc

Ym mis Mawrth 2019, fe wnaeth Cyngor Caerdydd ymuno â chynghorau eraill ar draws y DU wrth ddatgan ‘argyfwng hinsawdd’. Yn Hydref 2020, lansiodd Cyngor Caerdydd ei strategaeth ddrafft Caerdydd Un Blaned gan osod gweledigaeth ar gyfer dod yn ddinas niwtral o ran carbon erbyn 2030; ymateb strategol i’r argyfwng yn yr hinsawdd. 

Bydd y sgwrs hon yn rhoi trosolwg o’r strategaeth Caerdydd Un Blaned ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc a bydd hefyd yn cynnig cyfle i’r rhai sy’n bresennol ddweud eu barn ar ba newidiadau y dylid eu gwneud er mwyn lleihau ôl-troed carbon y ddinas.

Bydd y digwyddiad byr yn cael ei gynnal gan dîm Ynni a Chynaliadwyedd Cyngor Caerdydd, ar y cyd ag aelodau o Gyngor Ieuenctid Caerdydd.

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Bones and joints and what happens to them in outer space
to 21 Feb

Bones and joints and what happens to them in outer space

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We will talk about what the different joints look like in the human body and you will learn about what the bones and joints are made of. We will make some paper and cardboard models of the bones. You will also learn about what happens to the bones when astronauts go into space and what they have to do to keep them healthy.

Register here:

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One Planet Cardiff: young people’s views

One Planet Cardiff: young people’s views

In March 2019 Cardiff Council joined other councils across the UK in declaring a ‘climate emergency’. In October 2020, Cardiff Council launched its draft One Planet Cardiff strategy, setting out a vision for a carbon neutral city by 2030; a strategic response to the climate emergency.

This talk will provide an overview for children and young people of the One Planet Cardiff strategy and will also offer an opportunity for attendees to put forward their views on what changes should be made to reduce the city’s carbon footprint. 

The short event will be hosted by Cardiff Council’s Energy & Sustainability team, in conjunction with members of the Cardiff Youth Council.

Register here:

The event is also being repeated in Welsh:

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The secret science of hula hooping

The secret science of hula hooping

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Have you ever tried to hula hoop? How do you stop it from falling? We put a professional hula hooper into a biomechanics lab and connected them up so that we could track their movement and muscle activation. Join us to find out what we found out and how it could help you learn some new tricks with a hoop.

This interactive online session is suitable for 7-11yrs old and families.

Register here:

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Cardiff Science Festival Code Club

Cardiff Science Festival Code Club

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Welcome to our Computer Code Club! Fancy having a try at some coding? Want to know what Computational Thinking means? Want to try your hand at some Mini-Computer projects? Then come along! We will be catering for complete beginners and for those looking to try something different. At Technocamps, we deliver interactive and interesting sessions, so why not give it a try?

Our Code Club is open to children aged 8-16 and is a great place for you to have a go! Technocamps Code Clubs focus on being interesting and interactive, and we can't wait to see what we get up to!


Croeso i'n Clwb Codio Cyfrifiadurol! Hoffech chi roi cynnig ar godio? Hoffech chi wybod beth yw ystyr Meddwl Cyfrifiadurol? Hoffech chi roi cynnig ar rai prosiectau Cyfrifiadur-Bach? Yna dewch draw! Byddwn yn darparu ar gyfer dechreuwyr llwyr ynghyd â’r rhai sydd am drio rhywbeth gwahanol. Yn Technocamps, rydym yn cyflwyno sesiynau rhyngweithiol a diddorol, felly beth am roi cynnig arni?

Mae ein Clwb Codio yn agored i blant rhwng 8 ac 16 oed ac mae'n lle gwych i chi ddechrau! Mae Clybiau Codio Technocamps yn canolbwyntio ar fod yn ddiddorol ac yn rhyngweithiol, ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen at weld be wnawn ni!

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A Virtual Ark: Creative Family Workshop

A Virtual Ark: Creative Family Workshop

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Are you interested in endangered species?

Would you like to take part in a fun, fact-filled hour of learning and activities? Would you like to help design a ‘Virtual Ark’ for animals facing extinction?

On the 19th February, The Frozen Ark will join forces with award winning artist Paul Evans to present an exciting live creative workshop. Suitable for all ages from 6+, and all creative abilities, you will model your favourite creature to join other animals in the Ark, and gain tips on how to design the Ark itself for development into a VR (Virtual Reality) experience.

We are able to offer up to 20 FREE modelling packs (limit of 2 packs per household). These include 250g of modelling material (enough for 2 x animal models), 1 x modelling tool, a Friend of the Ark sticker and general information about The Frozen Ark.

Who should attend?

• Anyone with an interest in wild animals and conservation

Why attend?

• It will be fun – and suitable for all ages from 6+

• It will help us develop a Virtual Reality Ark to help spread word about our work in preserving the future of endangered species

• You will learn some interesting facts about the favourite animals of the Frozen Ark Team

Register here:


This project is being funded by The Wellcome Trust ISSF3 Public Engagement Proof-of-Concept Award. #ARKS21stCentury

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Machine Learning meets Gaming Workshop

Machine Learning meets Gaming Workshop

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Join us for a one-hour beginners workshop in Machine Learning. After a basic introduction to this cutting-edge technology you’ll make your own Machine Learning model with Google’s Teachable Machines. Teach your model to recognise your body movements then, with a little Javascript coding, play a game of Snake using your body as a controller!

You don’t need any prior knowledge of machine learning or coding for this workshop, but you will need a webcam. While there is no pressure to turn on your webcam during the Zoom call, it is essential when training your machine learning model.

This event is suitable for anyone over the age of 12 years with an interest in both Machine Learning and gaming. Please note that anyone under the age of 18 must be supervised by an adult.

To prepare for this workshop, please sign up for an account on P5.JS ( before the attending the event.

Register here:

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Virtual Grow-along

Virtual Grow-along

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Join us for a friendly virtual grow-along and become part of a community of back garden growers across Cardiff and beyond!

Spring is fast approaching and it's time to start preparing for the new growing season so let's get together and learn some new skills. In this virtual session we’ll be exploring our soil and what we need to provide our plants with for the best start in life, as well as tips to start and maintain your own compost or wormery.

We’ll be joined by some of our project partners from the Edible Cardiff network and local community growers to share their skills and experience as well as tell us about local growing projects coming up this year. This will be a fun opportunity to pick up new skills, share tips and connect the growing community. Whether you are brand new to growing or have lots of experience we’d love you to join us.

You can choose a free ticket, make a donation or even choose to be sent some seeds in the post to get your growing season started!

This will be a friendly and fun opportunity to pick up new skills and connect the growing community across Cardiff and beyond. Whether you are brand new to growing or have lots of experience we’d love you to join us.

Register here:

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Giving Unknown Bees a Name

Giving Unknown Bees a Name

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Get involved in research with the Pharmabees team! With your help we will be developing a new system to track and monitor bee populations.

Bees and other pollinators play an essential role in supporting the plants on which life on earth depends. For a variety of reasons bee numbers and diversity are in decline. To help us determine the extent of the problem we developed the Spotabee project in which members of the public record bees sightings in their local area using a mobile phone. Since it launch in May of 2020 the site has received over 6000 images and we are keen to add to these in the coming year. While the level of engaging is encouraging a significant number of the bee images have yet to be identified to the species level. By participating in this workshop you will find out more about the vital work the university is undertaking to save the bees and will be shown how to help us give a name to these unknown bees.

Register here:

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Cycle Repair 101

Cycle Repair 101

Transport for Wales and Dragon Cycles are coming together to help share some handy tips for keeping your bike safe and on the road! This event features a live walkthrough of some basic repairs conducted by Louis Mertens from Transport for Wales with live advice from Dragon Cycles, Phil Thomas. In this workshop we will cover the essentials, including puncture repairs and changing the inner tube, chain lubrication and replacing worn brake pads.

Register here:

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More than meets the Eye

More than meets the Eye

Ever wondered how your eyes work or what the most common eye colour in the world is? Does eating carrots really help improve our eyesight? Attend our event filled with fun facts and optical illusions to help find out the answers to these cool eye-related questions and many more!

Register here:

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Virtual Wildlife Tours!
to 21 Feb

Virtual Wildlife Tours!

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Tours will take place through the Google Tours platform - you can follow along online or head our and explore these amazing Wildlife hot spots for yourself! Sarah will share her tips and tricks for getting the most out of your wildlife walks and some fun nature crafts you can do at home.

You can now begin your tour. Access the tours at any time using the links below:

Cardiff Bay Tour:

Silent Valley Tour:

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IBMS-At the Heart of Healthcare
to 21 Feb

IBMS-At the Heart of Healthcare

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Biomedical science is one of the broadest areas of modern science and underpins much of modern medicine - from determining the blood requirements of critically ill patients to identifying outbreaks of infectious diseases to monitoring biomarkers in cancer. Biomedical science staff mostly work in healthcare laboratories diagnosing diseases and evaluating the effectiveness of treatment by analysing fluids and tissue samples from patients. They provide the 'engine room' of modern medicine - 70% of diagnoses in the NHS are based on pathology results provided by laboratory services. Handling over 150 million samples in the UK each year, every person at some point in their lives will benefit from the services of a biomedical scientist.  If you have ever had a urine, blood, tissue or other sample taken by a doctor or nurse, chances are it will have been diagnosed by a biomedical scientist.

The IBMS team have put together some videos to show you more about our work. You can watch them at any time.


Histology is the study of tissue, we get small routine biopsies, urgent biopsies where cancer is suspected all the way through to surgical resections where a whole or large part of an organ is removed. Slides are produced from the tissue, stained and looked at down a microscope.



Cytology is the study of cells from body fluids, which can include aspirate (a collection of cells from a cyst or mass), urine and sputum. Cells are collected and transferred to a slide where they are stained and looked at down a microscope.


Blood Science 

Blood sciences covers various disciplines from biochemistry who analyse the chemicals in your serum and help monitor conditions such as diabetes and can measure the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide (blood gases) in those patients admitted with asthma. Haematology study whole blood and look at diseases such as anaemia, malaria and leukaemia. Blood bank who are essential in providing blood and blood products for transfusions, organ transplants and also emergencies that come into A&E (to name a few). Lastly immunology who test for allergies and can help patients determine which allergens to avoid. These disciplines also have many other sub-specialities within them



Covid-19 testing is such a topical subject at the moment, these videos take you on a tour around the covid-19 testing labs where you will get to see how a swab is processed using PCR.



Microbiology is an important department as they help healthcare professionals determine if someone has an infection or not. If they do which antibiotic (if any) to prescribe. This is such an important role considering the rise of antimicrobial resistant bacteria (also called SUPERBUGS!!!) which can cause infections that are more challenging to treat.

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RIME: Research Inspires ME
to 21 Feb

RIME: Research Inspires ME

The event is now live! Come explore below!

The Wales Cancer Research Centre has teamed up with Cardiff University to launch a new education resource to mark World Cancer Day. Developed by teachers, researchers and poets, this education pack aims to improve literacy, digital competency and inspire career pathways by bringing the arts and sciences together.

This free teaching resource is designed for use by English, Welsh, science and PSE teachers and is aimed at key stage three (age 11 - 14). The resource may also be of interest to homeschoolers and youth groups.

Schools competition

The final activity in this education pack was developed through collaboration with cancer researchers and poets. Acclaimed writers Owen Sheers and Ifor ap Glyn have devised film-poems about cancer research to inspire children to come up with works of their own for a competition. The deadline for entries is 30 April. The poets will pick one winner in Welsh and one winner in English who will receive £150 each in book tokens for their school and have their poem displayed publicly at a cancer research facility.

You can find all of the resources for this event here:

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Circuit Building with CSA Catapult

Circuit Building with CSA Catapult

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You’re invited to join David Ansah and Iestyn Llyr, Embedded Software Engineers at CSA Catapult, to build your own lightbulb circuit, learn about the flow of electricity, where's the best place for the battery and how to measure voltage. We've also got a puzzle for parents: they'll be challenged to calculate your circuit's current.

David and Iestyn will reveal how their roles involve discovering what compound semiconductors can do and how they will transform future technology, in the applications we use every day. They will be joined by our HR Director, Clare Gunning who will introduce CSA Catapult’s STEM activities – these aim to help young people discover routes into engineering and tech.

We believe this activity is best suited to children up to age 12. If you’re looking for an interesting and educational activity to keep your young ones busy in lockdown – this event is for you! We look forward to seeing you there.

Register here:

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